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The Struggle for Hurston Hall

Zora Neale Hurston illustration in Ruptures, 2017

North Carolina Collection

Ruptures, Volume 1 (2017)
Chapel Hill, NC: Feminists Liberating Our Collective Knowledge (FLOCK), 2017

FLOCK, a collective of geography students and faculty, published the zine “Ruptures” to sustain the decades-long, student-led activism in the struggle to rename Saunders Hall, named after William Saunders - an alumnus, colonel in the Confederate States Army, and leader in the NC Ku Klux Klan. Students and faculty proposed that the hall be named after world renowned Black anthropologist, author, and filmmaker Zora Neale Hurston. Hurston collaborated with Professor Paul Green in a UNC course taught at Green’s private residence before UNC was integrated. The Board of Trustees denied this proposal. They renamed the building Carolina Hall and forbade any further name changes until 2031.