Abbé Charles-Etienne Brasseur de Bourbourg (1814–1874)
Gramática de la lengua quiche; Grammaire de la langue quiché, espagnole-française mise en parallèle avec ses deux dialectes, cakchiquel et tzutuhil. . . . Ouvrage accompagné de notes philologiques . . . et suivi d’un essai . . . servant d’introduction au Rabinal-Achí drame indigène avec sa musique originale, texte quiché et traduction française en regard.
Paris: Arthus Bertrand; London, Trübner & Co., 1862
The Rabinal Achí is a significant surviving Maya K’iche’ drama, the performance of which was banned by Spanish authorities but has persisted in Rabinal, Guatemala, to this day. Set in the century before the Spanish invasion, the play tells the story of Cawek of the Forest, who has been captured by Man of Rabinal.
Brasseur de Bourbourg served as the ecclesiastical administrator of Rabinal in Guatemala. He recorded the ancient drama of the Rabinal Achí and published it, along with a K’iche’ grammar, in this edition.
Presented by George E. and Melinda Y. Stuart
Rare Book Collection Stuart PM4231 .B7