Ermilo Abreu-Gómez (1894–1971)
La conjura de Xinúm
San Salvador, El Salvador: Ministerio de Cultura, Departamento Editorial, 1958
Abreu-Gómez was an important figure in neocolonial studies, as well as a scholar of canonical literature, including the poetry of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and Cervantes’s Don Quixote.
This historical novel of the Caste War takes its title from the name given to a meeting of dissatisfied indigenous workers who gather on the property of Maya rebel leader Jacinto Pat in the first chapter. The novel ends after Cecilio Chí and Pat are both dead, when the famous crosses of Chan Santa Cruz have appeared.
The Guatemalan author Miguel Ángel Asturias notes in his introduction that the fight of the indigenous people is not confined to this story but continues in the real world.
Presented by George E. and Melinda Y. Stuart
Rare Book Collection Stuart PQ7297.A33 C6 1958