"The Story of Us: Documenting and Preserving LGBTQiA Carolina History", Carolina Pride Alumni Network
"More than an archive", Carolina Pride Alumni Network
Downloadable PDFs of flyers and information included in this exhibit.
"Fuller at UNC Afro-Rally" 5 March 1969: Scan 13
Photograph, N.C. State Patrolmen guard Manning Hall, following the BSM's eviction from the building
Demonstrations: AIDS: "ACT-UP Hands around the Capitol," 24 April 1993
"The "shanties," constructed in protest to apartheid in South Africa"
Public Health Workshop, 24 March 1958
North and South: the Black/South Campus-White/North Campus Residency Cycle
Granville Towers Advertisement, The Daily Tar Heel, 22 March 1966, Page 3
Woollen Gym Outside
"Taking a look at N.C. Memorial Hospital today - the first of UNC Hospitals! #MedicalMonday"
Stone Center home to activists despite history of obstacles, photograph
LGBTQ Political Pioneer Joe Herzenberg: “What was hope yesterday morning is now life for me”
Cobb Dormitory, circa 1970s: Scan 5
Folder 0219: Carroll Hall (New), 1970s: Scan 1
Folder 0395: Peabody Hall, 1910-1949: Scan 27
Folder 0379: Murphey Hall, circa 1950s: Scan 12
"Harry's owner Ralph Macklin talks with Howard Lee, mayor of Chapel Hill, outside his restaurant in 1969"
"I met Hoagie Gaskins, pictured on the right with the platinum blonde hair, in 1979, when I was a freshman and he was a senior at @uncchapelhill..."
Black Student Movement: Belonging, 2010s, Austin Monroe - Morrison Residence Hall
Dean Smith Center construction
Matchbook-HY SPOT
Electric Company — Guest Pass
UNC Campus: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, 1990s, Janora McDuffie
Downloadable images used in the Queerolina map.