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Notes for Your First Year: A Handbook for Women, Fall 1971

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Notes for Your First Year: A Handbook for Women, Fall 1971


Notes for Your First Year: A Handbook for Women, Fall 1971. Voiced by Vivienne Benesch.


PlayMaker’s Repertory Company in collaboration with the University Archives at Louis Round Wilson Library






Notes for Your First Year:  

A Handbook for Women, Fall 1971 


Notes for your first year 

Sharp notes?  

Flat notes?  

Natural notes.  

Notes scribbled on the back of class schedules.  

Notes in the margins of your shopping list.  

Notes on the wall of the women's bathroom.  

Take notes. Take note.  

Notes for your first year.  


Your first year in Chapel Hill?  

We hope this booklet will help you to begin it  

on a good note. In fact, that's what it's all  



We've all had our first year in Chapel Hill.  

Obviously. Except then we were on our own.  

Asking the same questions. Your questions?  

Wondering what this place could offer us. You?  

Worrying the same first year worries  

and muddling through the same first year problems.  

Your problems?  

Some of our experience is shared here. As a  

guidepost. As local background information.  

As suggestions, observations, answers and more  


As notes from us to you.  


Who are we?  

We're women in Chapel Hill, like you, except  

we've been here longer. Mapping out the terrain.  

Getting together.  

Together, we are a women's liberation group.  

Women, who are concerned with our own roles, common  

experiences, current limitations, alternatives.  

and most of all, potential.  

Individually, we are students, faculty and  

student wives, professional women, mothers,  

single women, working women.  

We share your face and form, frustrations and fears, fantasies and future.  

And we are writing you a note for your first year,  

a note that says, "Welcome, sisters.”