"The Secret of Student Congress," student publication The Siren, 2010 , discusses the lack of diversity in student congress. Performed by Katia Carmichael and Sergio Ang.
News article from the Daily Tar Heel, UNC Women March for Empowerment, November 10, 1994, Annual ‘Take Back the Night’ March Highlight of Rape Awareness Week. Performed by Aubree Dixon, Katia Carmichael, and Lauren Ragsdale.
Excerpts from "Perception of campus landscapes and fear of sexual assault : effects on female undergraduate travel behavior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill," Karen Frances Falconer, thesis, 1989. Performed by Aubree Dixon, Lauren…
Dr. Guion Griffis Johnson, former Professor of History at UNC, discusses her experience teaching in 1943 from on oral history conducted in 1974. Performed by Julia Gibson.
Dr. Margaret O’Connor, former Professor of English at UNC, from an oral history conducted in 1987. Performed by Aubrey Snowden, with Gwendolyn Schwinke as interviewer.