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The Stanly News Herald Friday September 24, 1920

The Stanly News Herald Friday September 24, 1920

Item Information


The Stanly News Herald Friday September 24, 1920


The Stanly News Herald Friday September 24, 1920. North Carolina Collection, Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-CH


In the public domain and may be used without copyright restriction.


still image



Colored Women’s Rights Association Gives Good Advice to Negro Voters
Albemarle, N.C., Friday, September 24, 1920.

Says that time has come when they must demand their rights and that they will be guaranteed by the Republican Party.

The following letter was received this week by Mrs. Mary Stinson, of Norwood, in an envelope post-marked at Greensboro, N.C., under date of September 20th. Mrs. Stinson is a white lady, a daughter of Capt. D. N. Bennett, of Norwood, but her name was evidently taken as that of a colored woman. We are informed that there have been scores of these received by negro women of Stanly. The letter speaks for itself:

Dear Voters: —

“The 19th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States gives all women the right of the ballot regardless of color, and we beg all the colored women of North Carolina to register and vote on November 2nd, 1920.

“The time for negroes has come. Now is our chance to redeem our liberty.

“We have been driven long enough.

“Apply to the registrar in your precinct to register.

“The books for registration open on September 30th, and if you are refused, just go at once to a Republican Lawyer and start proceedings in the United States Courts - don’t waste time with State courts - the State courts are controlled by Democrats.

“Don’t be afraid, there are plenty of white Republicans that will help us.

“The Democrats are divided over the revaluation act and the Governor’s fight in the primary. Thousands of Democrats will stay at home next November and thousands of Gardner and Page Democrats will vote the Republican ticket.

“We are sure of capturing the State this time if only the colored women will do their duty - Register and Vote. The white women of North Carolina will not vote and while they sleep let the negro be up and doing.

“When we get OUR party in power we can demand what we wish and get it. We hold the balance of power in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, New York, and New Jersey. We are sure of electing a Republican President - one who will give us what we want - that is justice, but if we don’t elect a Republican Congress his hands will be tied, and we have the chance here in North Carolina to elect a Republican Senator and over half of the Congressmen.

“With colored women voting we can control the eastern counties and the industrial counties of the west such as Forsyth, Guilford, Rowan, Davidson, Cabarrus, Stanly, Gaston, Mecklenburg.

“All the white cotton mill operatives of the State are going to vote the Republican ticket this time. While the Democrats are divided, is our time.

Organize - get the white Republican women and men to help you. They will, if only you will keep quiet about it.

“Have your meetings at night. When we get thousands of voters on the registration books, the white Republicans of North Carolina and the South will be glad to do as their white brothers and sisters of the North and West - Recognize us as their political equals. We are being backed by them now, but you know it is best for them to keep under cover for awhile yet.

“Republicans have plenty of money and you can get it to organize and prosecute Democratic Registrars and Judges of elections if they refuse to register colored women and violate the 19th Amendment to the Constitution of our glorious United States.

“Keep this secret - Don’t let it get into the hands of Democrats.

“Yours for negro liberty,
Colored “Women’s Rights Association, For Colored Women.”