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“Southern Women Oppose Amendment,” The New York Age, March 29, 1919

“Southern Women Oppose Amendment,” The New York Age, March 29, 1919

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“Southern Women Oppose Amendment,” The New York Age, March 29, 1919


The New York Age, March 29, 1919.


In the public domain and may be used without copyright restriction.


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Southern Women Oppose Amendment
(Special to The New York Age)

St. Louis, Mo. - The southern idea of what democracy means so far as the ballot is concerned is made evident here at the National Woman’s Suffrage Association jubilee by the opposition of southern delegates to the Susan B. Anthony Amendment for woman suffrage.

The southern idea is to abolish the Federal Suffrage plan for one embodying States’ rights principles, which is favored by them to keep the colored women in the South from having the ballot. There is no chance of the plan finding favor here.