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9 September 1876

Letter to William Clark: 9 September 1876, page 1


                35 South St.
                Park Lane, W.
                Sept. 9/76
My dear Sir,
I am sure that you will believe it is
no mere form of words when I say that
your plans & the Madras Drainage Works
are almost as near my heart as they
are near your own.
I was not aware till I received yours
of Aug 31 that nothing held been done
W. Clark, Esq.

Letter to William Clark: 9 September 1876, page 2


and I immediately wrote for information 
as to the present state of the question.
This I have received only this morning:
I am sorry to say it is very discouraging.
I enclose a copy of it.
[I assure you that last year I spared
no effort either with the Governor or
with the Prince of Wales’ party when
at Madras; sending out your Memo
& my own “by desire.”

Letter to William Clark: 9 September 1876, page 3


I know that much passed between Sir
Bartle Frere & Sir Wm. Robinson upon
these: & that Sir Wm. Robinson hoped
to get Lord Northbrook, when he met him
at Calcutta, to give Madras the required
loan, but at Calcutta he was told
that a revision of the Madras Municipal
Act was a necessary preliminary: &
this has yet to be done.]
I am advised by Sir Bartle Frere to

Letter to William Clark: 9 September 1876, page 4


recommend you to write to Sir Wm.
Robinson & ask for news of the
New Act & the Prospects of Work,
to be sent to you at Sydney.
Sir Bartle Frere will write too.

At the rate they do things now, I fear
you will have drained & watered all
Australia before you are wanted
to work out your scheme at Madras.

Letter to William Clark: 9 September 1876, page 5


Indeed as regards any plan requiring
money I have seldom seen prospects
less hopeful: -but things must mend
& probably by the time you have
finished your Sydney inquiries,
the Madrassees, who seemed thoroughly
to appreciate your value, will be
prepared to intercept you on your
homeward voyage.

Letter to William Clark: 9 September 1876, page 6


The enclosed, sent in answer to me,
is all I have been able to find on the
proceedings of the Madras Govt. regarding
their Drainage works.

I heartily congratulate Sydney on having
you & I bid you & your works “Godspeed”
with all my heart & soul.

Letter to William Clark: 9 September 1876, page 7


Pray believe me,
My dear Sir
ever your faithful servt.
Florence Nightingale.
W. Clark, Esq.

I may possibly trouble you with a small parcel
for Mr. Parkes at Sydney, the ex-Colonial
Secretary of N. South Wales, if I hear
that you are kindly willing to undertake it.

Envelope of letter to William Clark: 9 September 1876, front

Postmark with stamp:
Matlock, A, SP 9, 76, Bath
[Matlock, A, September 9, 1876, Bath]

W. Clark Esq C.E.
9 Victoria Chambers
Victoria St.
London S.W.


Envelope of letter to William Clark: 9 September 1876, back

Postmark (black):
London, SW, PM, SP 9, 76
[London, SW, PM, September 9, 1876]

Postmark (red):
8 6, London, EC, 9 SP, 76
[London, EC, 9 September, 1876]

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