35 South St.
Park Lane, W.
Dec. 2/73
My dear Sir,
Major Tulloch says that
it did not occur to him
when he saw you to
recommend (as your Successor)
“a Mr. Hart who
“has been in the Bombay
“Public Works Dept for
“some years: & who is a
“very scientific Engineer
“with at the same time a
W. Clark Esq.
“good deal of practical
“He would be a capital
“man for the post, if
“the Bombay Govt. would
“spare him.
“Mr. Hart is a man
“of about 35 or 40 &
“no doubt knows the
“vernacular: a great
You may know something
of him – Mr. Hart,
Believe me,
in haste, Yours sincerely
Florence Nightingale
Additional Resources:
- Papers of John Henry Eustace Hart, Bombay Public Works Dept (National Archives UK)
- Major-General Sir Alexander Murray Tulloch
- Major-General Sir Alexander Murray Tulloch (Wikipedia)
- Papers (ArchivesHub)